Muse are coming to perform in Israel!! my country!!! that's right!!! :D:D:D
they'll be preforming through a music festival which will incloud musicians from Israel and abrode. it's fucking bliss...
one of my most favorite bands are coming here, performing 20 min bus drive from my apartment... jeeesss...!!!
Now, going back two weeks ago (two weeks befor i got my muse orgasm :D ), i'm trying to attend at public events, trying to take the things this city got to offer me for my advantage. exploring and photographing things that are not necessarily related to me- different types of people, groups and forms of life.
so I've been to a protest against the Israeli conquest. they chose to visualize their opinions and believes by building a giant tank shaped like a penis. protesting against the mentality of what they called "a national erection"- which country have the bigger "tool".
though their opinions where a bit too redical for me, i loved the display of it. they really went all the way with what they believe in and that's very admirable imo.
so here you go. thought to try color for a change so bought some fuji film.

then me and Noga went to "Neve Tzedek"; a beautiful old place in TA. we ate icecream :)

On 14.6 my friend Gal celebrated her 21th birthday. happy 21 dear !

On the weekend, took a bus back home and I was lucky enough to see a familiar face in there. actually it was not my plan to take that bus, but in a lest minute decision i took it and i'm glad i did cause i met Mae, a girl i only knew from Deviantart. i recognized her and we spent the ride talking. it was so nice. thanks Mae ;)
off course i took her picture.

And she took mine.

Then was the usual tradition of eating McDonalds right befor Friday's dinner. befor the 'Shabat' :P

At home, had my usual sentimental minutes. had a camera to capture them this time;

Back to TA on Saturday evening. there was a moment in the bus station.

Went straight to a friends house to watch "star born", our version to "american idol". good entertainment indeed.

while writting this post, I managed to go see an apartment i'm maybe moving in to. i'm dying to get the hell off this stinky hole i'm living in right now!
it's between us and some other interested buyers and the landlord is suppost to give us an answer in the next 24 hours so please, whoever read this, keep your fingers crossed for me. i want it! and really need it...
have a good weekend everyone.