long time no post.
actually had a post in draffs. maybe i'll get it out soon.
so you are probably wondering about the title... Pataya is a fruit. actually i'm not so sure that's his name cuz when i google 'pataya' i get pictures of some island lol
but anyway, me and a friend went to the market to get some milk. we bumped into the fruits area and for two fruitfanatics [ (C) Gali ;] like ourselfs finding a Pataya is like heaven on a super market shelf. so i bought my self one, chipperly walking home thinking i'm gonna eat a tasty fruit.
and after building up the plot like that i'm guessing you know what happend at the climax....
the Pataya was not tasty AT ALL!!! :(
i made a short story to portray my terrible tragedy:

הצחקת אותי אספי!!
The Pataya fruit is also called the Dragon Fruit in most places. It is delicious. From your short story I can see why you didn't like it. You are not supposed to eat the peeling!!! If you cut it in half, the peel acts like a little cup and you just scoop it out with a spoon and it is as easy to eat as it is tasty. I got them in China. Perhaps the ones you got were not good but the ones I had were wonderful.
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